He swept the upstairs while I was at work too. |
Travis does all the cutting for my safety. |
Since I don’t like seafood, and Travis wasn't in a complaining mood, I used chicken instead of shrimp. I always use Gordon Food Service frozen chicken. I know it sounds weird, but it is always juicy and tender. Plus I have had a hard time finding good fresh chicken. Travis did all the cutting seeing as I cannot be trusted with sharp objects.
Our thoughts? Not 6 servings. Travis and I each ate half, plus two pieces of garlic bread. We also thought there was way too much lemon. I would be willing to try again with more than 2 pieces of chicken and much less lemon juice. Travis not so much, but that is because he saw the calories. I will just have to try again and give him less pasta.
The first time we made it, we thought it was VERY "lemony" The second time we made it, it was much better with half the lemons :)